Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I'm at an audition for Jesus.

"You mean to PLAY Jesus or Jesus is going to watch your monologue and judge you for all eternity?"

The first one.

But when you think about it, every day is like an audition for Jesus.


Bibb Leo File said...

Well, what did He say? Was it a "Well done, good and faithful Forky," or more of a "Depart from me, ye servant of iniquity" kind of audition?

Will you rock them, sexy Jesus?

Queen, III said...

I'm not really sure that thinking of every day as an audition for Jesus has much scriptural foundation...I mean I'm no presbyterian, buuuut still. God won't love you more or less if you work harder or if you're more talented than everyone else or if you get a real job. Remember, he's not your mother.