Thursday, April 12, 2007


Director: Okay gang. Since this is the first time we're doing this scene on its feet, I want you guys to whatever you feel like. Don't worry about blocking right now. Let's just go with our instincts and move when you feel it's appropriate, okay? Just so I can see it in action. And...go.

Forky: Good day Young William! Prepare thine eyes for I bringest with me a sword of such beauty, even the very sword you requested of me to make. Wouldst you care to try it out?

Actor Will: Certainly, gentle swordsmith. And right timely you are, for I sense my growing need of such a craftsman as thyself with each passing day.

Forky: Wherefore, my prince? What troubles haunt thy slumbers and, perchance, thy waking hours?

Director: Hold guys. Forky, when you enter, I'd like you to go directly to the cabinet and pour yourself a glass of wine.

Forky: .... (?) Oh...kay. Okay. Sure.

Director: So let's take it back to the beginning. Annnnd go.

Forky: Good day Young William! Prepare thine eyes for I bringest with me a sword of such--

Director: Could you cross downstage of the table?

Forky: front of Prince William?

Director: Yeah. Let's take it again.

Forky: Okay. Good day Young William! Prepare thine eyes for I bringest--

Director: Hold please. Forky, could you put a bigger pause between those two sentences? Right now they're reading like one thought and I think it would be nice if they were more like...two. So...yeah. Two very different thoughts. Let's take it again.

Forky: ...Oh. Kay. I mean--okay.

Director: And go.

Forky: Good day Young William! Prepare thine eyes for I bringest with me a sword of such beauty, even the very sword you requested of me to make. Wouldst you care to try it out?

Actor Will: Certainly, gentle swordsmith. And right timely you are, for I sense my growing need of such a craftsman as thyself with each passing day.

Forky: Wherefore, my prince? What troubles haunt thy slumbers and, perchance, thy waking hours?

Actor Will: Tarry not! I promised thee a payment for the weapon and here 'tis, to the thruppence. --And is this where I give him the money?

Director: Yes.

Actor Will: Okay. Could I get some paper or something to give him for now?

Director: Sure. And Forky, where are you coming from?

Forky: Oh. Um. I guess I'm probably coming from my blacksmith shop.

Director: What was the trip like?

Forky: What was the trip like?

Director: Yeah. Just some basic backstory. Nothing too in-depth. Was it an easy trip? Was it a hard trip? Has it been raining? Did you maybe have to walk through a lot of mud on the way here? Did you see anybody you knew? If so, who was it and what were they wearing? What are their names and ages? What did they say to you? How do you feel about them? Do you like them? If you don't, do you still pretend to like them anyway? How long have they lived in the village with you? Did you make horseshoes for their horses? What kind of horses do they have? How many? Are they nice? Do you know people who can afford nice things? Can you afford nice things? Are you invited to their parties? Have you met the Queen?

Forky: Wow, I think my character...probably...keeps to himself and doesn't know anybody. At all. Except William.

Director: Great. Guys, just so you all know, these are important questions you need to be asking yourself. So you're a hermit.

Forky: Yyyyyyyyes. Yes, I am. A blacksmith and...a hermit.

Director: Can I see you play that?

Forky: Play "hermit"?

Director: Yes.

Forky: Okay.

Director: Okay, let's take it again.

Forky: Good day Young William! Prepare thine eyes for I bringest with me a sword of such beauty, even the very sword you requested of me to make.

(pause. Forky suddenly hops a little as he realizes he's not done with his line)

Forky: OH! Duh. Wouldst you care to try it out?

Actor Will: Certainly, gentle swordsmi--

Director: Hold please. Forky, that was really good, but I'm not sure how I feel about that long pause. It seemed to stop the action.

Forky: Oh! YEAH! I'm sorry, I was just trying to do it from memory and--pbbt--brain fart.

Director: What do you--? You mean that's how you want to do it for the show? Do you see the swordsmith as absent-minded?

Forky: No. I mean, I, meaning me, the actor, just forgot my line.

Director: Because if you want him to be absent-minded we could always--

Forky: No, I think it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. I just forgot my line and now I remember it. No problemo.

Director: Okay. Keep going then.

Actor Will: Certainly, gentle swordsmith. And right timely you are, for I sense my growing need of such a craftsman as thyself with each passing day.

Forky: Wherefore, my prince? What troubles haunt thy slumbers and, perchance, thy waking hours?

Actor Will: Tarry not! I promised thee a payment for the weapon and here 'tis, to the thruppence. (hands Forky a handful of paper-scraps)

Forky: But mine Prince! Thou must tell thy servant what befell Princess Yasriel!

Actor Will: Better to not speak of the fair Princess Yasriel. For I fear she is lost. Lost. LOST!

Director: Hold please. Forky, count the money.

Forky: Count the money.

Director: Yes. When someone gives you money, your first instinct is to count it.

Forky: Yeah, um. I don't know if that feels quite appropri--

Director: I mean, that's what I do. When somebody pays me. Don't you do that, stage manager?

Stage manager: Yes.

Director: So let's take it again, and this time, make sure to count the money when he gives it to you, then proceed.

Forky: Okay.

Director: You're all doing really great. Everybody ready? Annnnnd...go.

Forky: Good day Young William! Prepare thine eyes for I bringest with me a sword of such beauty, even the very sword you requested of me to make. Wouldst you care to--

Director: Hold. Forky, you're going directly to the wine cabinet.

Forky: Yeah, you told me to--

Director: I like what you're doing, but I'm really conflicted about this. I mean, did you know there was going to be wine there? Has your character been here before?

Forky: You told me to--

Director: I just feel like it looks like you're entering and immediately going to the wine cabinet because I told you to do it.

Forky: That's because--

Director: Let's try it again, only this time, make it look like I didn't tell you to go straight to the wine cabinet.

Forky: Okay. Good day Young William! Prepare thine eyes for I bringest with me a sword of such beauty, even the very sword you requested of me to make. Wouldst you care to try it out? (as if a thought occurred to him) Ah. Glass of wine.

Director: Hold please.

To be continued...


BayouBoss said...

Now THAT is great theater! I could watch that all day!!

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Sounds like your character doesn't have the proper respect for princes!

Queen, III said...

Please tell your director that I said he/she is an idiot and practically worthless. Also, she might also want to consider take a long walk off a short plank.