Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Monologue, that is.

Yesterday we spent a glorious 75 minutes solid working with Director Da'ahnnielle on my little monologue for our 10 minute, seven page show.

"Forky, I need you to do it slower."

"Okay. Now do it faster."

" how about as a Southern Baptist preacher."

"Uhh. Hmm. Could you about a little crazy."

"Would you...could you with more speed?"

"Would you, could you with less need?"

"Would you, could you on a ball?"

"Would you, could you down the hall?"

"Would you, could you on a mat?"

"Would you, could you with a cat?"

"Would you, could you here or there?"

"Would you, could you anywhere?"

I'm calling in "sick" this evening.


Tracy said...

Your labels are my favorite part of this post. :)

Anonymous said...

You should try changing nothing from one reading to the next and see if she finds it brilliant.

Bibb Leo File said...

Try wearing your Cat in the Hat hat to rehearsal and balancing a fishbowl on the handle end of an umbrella while you perform your monologue. That'll wow 'em.

The Cliff said...

Your director sounds like my director...more to come on her in a blog...ok...i'll do it tomorrow!!