Monday, January 08, 2007

Don't Light a Match

Today's my day off and, as usual, it's raining cats and dogs. Pouring. I swear, every time I have a day off it rains.

I slept in until 9:45 (!!!) this morning. It wasn't the pitter-patter of falling rain that woke me, but a peculiar smell. I didn't know what the smell was. Probably a dangerous gas leak from Bleeker Street or something. I rolled over, closed my eyes, and in about a minute, the smell went away.

That's right. You could smell it for about a minute. And now it's all over the news. I'm at Café Netto right now and the TV behind me has been yacking about gas, gas, GAS, GAS, GAS! for the past hour.

It's kind of exciting to be in the midst of a terrorist attack like this. Although a mysterious gas seems to be less like Osama and more the Joker. It's also the first time I've watched the national news from the City and seen the City. LIVE! Yep, it's rainy and windy up here. Why don't they talk about the crappy weather on my day off?

I can't smell a dang thing. What's everybody going on about?


Tracy said...

Your label was my favorite part of this post!

Anonymous said...

I heard that the stink was actually coming from Broadway's Mary Poppins.

Queen, III said...

Yeah. I heard 1/8 was really hard.