Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy Birthday

I'm an uncle now. My niece, Little Mab, was born yesterday at around 2:00. I don't know how much she weighed, but they said she was very healthy so it was probably around 18 pounds. That's a good, healthy weight. No anorexic babies in THIS family.

Interestingly...I had a curious toothache that lasted from early morning until around...wait for it...2:00!! Perhaps it was ESP! My twin sister and I ARE twins, after all. Maybe I was sharing in my sister's pain!

Or maybe I need to lay off the lollies.

Happy Birthday, Little Mab!


Tracy said...

Congratulations, Forky!

"lay off the lollies" made me chuckle.

Stop making me laugh! I'm at work!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Forkette!
Sorry that your being left-out!
That baby is going to get everything!!!

Anonymous said...

Kid looks fat, if you ask me. Better teach it how to do crunches. Porky little butterball.

Fork said...

(Don't worry, I'm not really being left out. I was making a self-effacing joke about my inability to share the spotlight with anyone else)

Yes, maybe I'll get Little Mab a book of "Baby's First Ab Diet". You have to start early with kids these days.