Friday, December 09, 2005

There's a Christ in my Movie!

My, my. How the times have changed. Once, in a pre-culture war era, C.S. Lewis was held in high regard, his Narnia books being considered pinnacles of children's fantasy.

Not nowadays! Now he's an insidious villain--a third-rate hack whose poisonous pen will brainwash your youngsters with it's hateful Christian principles.

Seriously, gang. I'm baffled at how the English-speaking world's view of Lewis has done a complete 180 in the last few months simply because one of his books got the big-budget Hollywood treatment like Rowling and Tolkien.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there are subliminal Chick Tracts hidden in the pages of Narnia books. They're just stories with Christian symbols and themes. But the mere presence of a Christian element is aparently enough for some people to denounce Lewis outright. I used to think people just didn't like preachy Christians. I'm coming to realize that what they don't like is--well--Christianity itself.

It's really interesting to read negative reviews of the 'Wardrobe' film. Take a look at some of them. It's worthy of note that these critics all seem to think the movie is great--if it weren't for that dag-blamed Jesus with a mane! Waiter! There's a Christ in my movie! We can't have this! Two stars! (and seeing as how the movie really waters down the original story, I'd hate to see what would've happened if Disney hadn't messed with Lewis' narrative to give it a wider appeal)

And for the record, for these folks to pooh-pooh Lewis for being "preachy" (nowadays, merely alluding to Christ is considered "preachy", amazingly enough) or heavy-handed with his allegory is kind of missing the point. His goal in 'Wardrobe' was to retell the crucifixion/resurrection story. And I think we can all agree that he achieved what he set out to do.

Check it:

"In reality however he is an invention giving an imaginary answer to the question, 'What might Christ become like, if there really were a world like Narnia and He chose to be incarnate and die and rise again in that world as He actually done in ours?" -C.S. Lewis on Aslan


Anonymous said...

These Christians have some nerve to spread their message of peace, hope, and love! And at Christmas time no less!

Bibb Leo File said...

Well, no other children's authors have ever used their chosen medium to further their own political or religious views (Baum, Dahl, Carroll, Seuss, Barrie, Travers, and yes, even Rowling) so I don't see why Lewis should feel he has the right to be so purposeful in his writing.

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