Thursday, December 01, 2005


Uh oh. Smells like someone's smoking in the stairwell again...


The Cliff said...

I have the perfect cure for people smoking in the stair well. It involves 7 monkeys (of any variety) 13 fire extinquishers, 3 fire hoses (preferably attatched), a video camera, and 2 cigars.

Let me know if you are interested.

Grizham said...

I have a better one. It involves wolves and meat suits.

Anonymous said...

Mine's the best: only requires Boscoe's mother.

The Cliff said...

yeah, she would nag the smoker to that would be the second best...i had a new idea using gasoline filled tennis balls and 2 small dogs, maybe cocker spaniels, they'd be the perfect size

Anonymous said...
