Monday, June 08, 2009

Holy Crap


I went in to talk to the manager of Cid-Mity Gym.

And whoa. Man. Uhh.

So...the kind of want me to start NOW.

I don't think I'm ready for that. I'd like a couple of days to get organized.

But no, they really want me there now. And the unfortunate thing is they're really disorganized so when they asked me my availability and I said, "I'm usually available whenever you want on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays" the manager guy said, "Okay! All day MWF it is!"


Slow down! I'm freaking out! I need to get organized! I need to do some role playing! I need to create some hypothetical clients and practice on them in my imagination! Please!

Oh yeah, and the best part?

If I'm not doing anything, they suggested I be on the telephone calling people telling them to hire me to be their trainer.

Now, I know this is a business, but I had been a member of this gym for two years and not ONCE did nobody EVER call me and urge me to hire them to be a trainer.

And if somebody called me up and offered their personal training services I would get really annoyed and hang up. Dude, if I want a trainer, I'll inquire about one.

Maybe that's why I'm not a millionaire.
Or the Incredible Hulk.

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