Monday, June 08, 2009

Getting on Widdit

I'm waiting for this green tea to cool off before marching into the gym to talk to the manager about personal training. Oh Lord, what am I getting myself into?

I'm really sore. Sunday is fun day for the New York City subway. I spent probably 2 total hours waiting and sweating on subway platforms. And with this heavy bag slung over my shoulder.

At first I thought that pain in my lower back was my kidneys failing. You know, from eating too much protein. But now I'm pretty sure it was just the 5 hours of lugging the bag around.

I auditioned for a "reimagined" version of "the Hound of the Baskervilles" yesterday. Reimagined by way of Studio 54.

They just lost their Holmes and they open in one week. I was called in to read.

And they "decided to go another direction" (I hate it when they say that. Why can't they just come out with it and say, "You're too fat"?).

Okay, that's fine. I'm *way* too young to play the great detective anyway. But it would have been fun to play that part.

But yeah, it's probably a very good thing. Especially considering the "hound" is played by a girl in a black leather bra and KISS makeup. And, looking at the postcard, I still can't figure out who the drugged out Alan Cumming guy with the heavy eyeliner and wifebeater is supposed to be.

And my roommate is a bad bad man.

So wealthy, pathetic Yoko offered him bags of money if he'd take her back.

And Nutty, who has no clue what an open book he is, thought loudly, "Sweet! I don't have to get a job because Yoko is going to pay my rent!"

And even though Yoko *has been informed* about all the girls Nutty keeps on the side as "backup", she responds to this information like a true Asian woman. "It's my fault. If only I practiced the piano more..."

Okay. Time to get on with it. I'm going to go make it happen. Just watch me. Here I go. Moneysville, here I come.

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