Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Laddie or Lady?

I really do need to apologize for not blogging about this show I'm in. It's rife. RIFE. But when you get home to an empty, yet somehow cluttered apartment it's difficult to get your brain in "organize your thoughts" mode. Curiously, it's easier to do that while on the train or out in noisy New Yaw-uck (practicing my southern accent).

The show itself is going well. The problem I have is we still have an entire week of rehearsal before we open.

I remember in high school how we'd rehearse a show for two months before we opened. That's what this feels like. Four weeks of rehearsal before tech? What ever happened to the good ol' three week thing?

So I'm tired and trying not to get bored. I suppose that's not something to worry about as everything old will be new again as soon as I do a full run through in the corset, bumroll, and Baby Jane wig.

Yes, instead of doing gender swapping the no-budget way and making us all dress neutral, they're putting us in all these fancy Marie Antoinette coss-chooms (again, excuse my southen accent). I still have to go out and buy lipstick. And I suspect they'll invite me to shave my telltale knuckle hair.

Dignity. Always dignity.

So that's fun in a "whoa i saw ur new facebook pix! !lolz!!" sort of way.

What's even more fun...are the people I'm working with.

To be continued...

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