Monday, March 19, 2007

One Teensy Weensy Problem

I got the callback. Go fig.

I was sick last night. Really sick. Chills, coughing, wheezing, the works. Sleep was fitful. I kept having sick dreams.

No, not sick dreams like eating puppy gumbo. Sick dreams. You know, the kind you get when you're sick. They won't stop repeating themselves. I kept dreaming I sat up in bed, turned on my Brackberry and received an email from the audition I went to last night inviting me to come back and read for the lead.

At about 5:30am I decided I was tired of dreaming this over and over again. I left Slumberland and did just that. And I got just that. And I'm going to do just that.

However, there's one teensy weensy problem.

I can't go outside.

Seriously. It's not because I'm afraid of rejection or I've become a weird recluse or anything. It's because the freezing air stings my raw throat so badly I feel like I'm about to keel over every time I take a necessary, life-giving breath.

So that's a problem.

* * *

In other news, today is my Mom's birthday.

I wish she was here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suck it up, Weenie.