Saturday, December 02, 2006

New Blogger

My apologies. This new blogger is so difficult to sign in to on my Blockberrie that most of the time, when I feel like writing, all I have to do is think of how much trouble I have to go through just to get to this page and I quietly slip the gizmo back into the holster.

There's no real reason for this post, just to let you all know that I'm still here, still alive, and still...still...

We got our first blast of Wint'ry air last night. It's been unseasonably/uncomfortably warm up here the past week and suddenly--WHAM! It's blissfully chilly outside! It's supposed to snow on Monday! Woot!

However, it still doesn't feel very Christmassy. I's New York City. And Nelson is miles away living it up with the leo Files.

Still, life goes on. Expect me to eat my words about loving this cold weather in the next couple of weeks. And, just for fun, do a Google search for North Brother Island.

1 comment:

Queen, III said...

I'm going there. To North Brother Island. It sounds perfect.