Tuesday, January 29, 2008

28 Backwards is 82

An observation:

Birthdays are funny things.

When we're babies, we need people to take care of us. We can't control our bowels so we need people to change us. We can't feed ourselves so we need people to spoon babyfood into our mouths. We can't walk so people push us around in wheelchairs.

On our baby birthdays, friends and family stick you in a highchair and set a big fat cake in front of you so they can watch you attempt to eat it.

The results are always adorable.

Then we get older and the same thing happens. We're old and we need people to take care of us. We can't control our bowels so we need people to change us. We can't feed ourselves so we need people to spoon babyfood into our mouths. We can't walk so people push us around in wheelchairs.

On our birthdays, we also get cake. It almost exactly the same, only it's not quite as adorable. Because you're not a baby anymore. You're wrinkly and old. And no one wants to coddle an old woman with one eye, no teeth, and a wooden leg.

Isn't life funny?

Happy birthday, Queen III!


Queen, III said...

*sigh* one year older, one year closer to death...

Merry Kristenmas! God bless us everyone!

Bibb Leo File said...

I think I heard Bill Cosby do that same routine ten years ago.

Sheesh. You need new material. Maybe you should up the heroin dosage. After all, it worked for Heath Ledger.

Oooh. Too soon?