Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Some Final Shots

Why do I need to say it when it's already been said so well?

My man, Mark Levin--oy gevalt!


from yesterday's New York Post--this pretty much sums it up:

Americans go to the polls tomorrow for what will be their most critical presidential choice in a generation. Not since 1980 has the contrast between the candidates been so stark - or the dangers of a wrong selection more worrisome.

Early on, The Post endorsed Sen. John McCain's presidential candidacy, citing his lifelong record of service, his courage and his clear grasp of the problems and threats facing this country.
Since then, the subprime-mortgage crisis and Wall Street's woes have supplanted national security as the campaign's principal issue.

All the more reason, frankly, to cast a vote for John McCain.

Barack Obama's record is as devoid of substance today as it was when his campaign began. Behind his soaring eloquence lies a tissue-thin resume and some disturbing personal associations.

Moreover, he and his running-mate, Joe Biden, represent a Democratic Party overly obligated to special interests like trial lawyers and rapacious public-employee unions.

Even as the economy is being rocked, Obama advocates a fundamental rewriting of the tax code that - far from cutting taxes for "95 percent" of Americans, as he promises - would dramatically raise tax rates, coupled with $650 billion in tax-credit-driven hikes in entitlement and other spending.

And that is likely just the starting point - with the Nancy Pelosi-Harry Reid Congress pushing hard to enhance the handouts while raising taxes further and slashing defense spending.
It is, in fact, on defense and national security that the differences between McCain and Obama are especially clear.

Simply put, McCain gets it - and Obama doesn't.

McCain, for example, knew that a pacified Iraq was critical to victory in the War on Terror. Obama, despite campaign-driven rhetoric, seems barely to believe that the war needs to be fought.

To be sure, Obama's election as America's first African-American president would be a huge historic milestone.

Moreover, he has undeniably created a genuine sense of excitement among his supporters, many of whom were previously uninvolved in the political process.

All that's to be admired.

But these times demand genuine, tested and principled leadership and experience - of the sort that John McCain has demonstrated in a lifetime of public service.

As Obama's opponents during the primaries - including Joe Biden - repeatedly warned, the presidency is no place for on-the-job training.

Nothing that has transpired over the past several weeks makes us any less certain that John McCain has what it takes to be a successful president of the United States - and that Barack Obama simply does not.

We urge Americans to pull the lever for McCain tomorrow


kenley said...

I love Mark Levin! "Getouttahere moraaan!" Hilarious and smart as heckfire to boot!

Fork said...

Isn't he great?! I sent him an email yesterday thanking him for his passion and wishing other Americans could get as riled up over these issues as he does. "After all," quoth I, "What are we? Americans or Presbyterians?"