Thursday, November 13, 2008

All My Sons

I saw the new Broadway revival of Arthur Miller's brilliant American tragedy All My Sons tonight.

I sat in my chair at the Shoenfeld Theatre, gripping the armrests, rolling my program, fiddling with my pencap...completely and utterly spellbound. Spellbound by this play--this play that I was supposed to have read in college I don't know HOW many times but never did. Dianne Weist's understudy was good! John Lithgow was positively wrenching! The production, in fact, was so superb, it made me question my place in this big, dumb thing we call The Theatre. It really did.

But as I sat there, another thought passed through my mind. One that eclipsed all the others.

Here was I, watching this play on a drizzly New York fall night...

And somewhere...out there...


That's all any of us were thinking! Oh my gosh. That kid is married to Tom Cruise. And she's RIGHT THERE. She's real. He must be real too.

I mean--do you guys see what I'm saying here? If Katie Holmes is real--and she is, I SAW her--then THAT means somewhere out there, there really IS a short, dreamy, sexually confused Scientologist movie star who made that cute girl give him a baby named Suri and jumps on couches and thinks medicine is bad.

I mean...he's not just some image on the Talky Box anymore. He's a real person that you can touch.

And once you come to terms with that, you have to ask, What does he DO?? If he's REALLY REAL, does he do really real things? Like, does he send her flowers to every performance? Does he call her up after every show to ask how it went and make small talk? Did he run lines with her in Beverly Hills? Did he offer up criticism of the play's fictional family, suggesting, perhaps, that these are the sorts of things that happen to people who take aspirin and don't follow Lord Xenu?

It boggles the mind.


Anonymous said...

Dude, Lord Xenu is the BAD guy! You need to brush up on your Dianetics; I sense your theton levels are dropping...

Anonymous said...

I thought that was the point; that Lord Xenu was the bad guy. Interesting that you never commented on her acting! And now we see the real star crazed Fork come out!

kenley said...

I know what you mean. I have those thoughts too about celebrities, and that's when i try to picture them going to the bathroom. Puts things in perspective AND makes me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am real. I do send my wife flowers. She is amazing. You are funny. Come to the show again on Tuesday and introduce yourself to the back door guard.


Anonymous said...

Dammit, Tom! Why do you always have to hog my publicity? Isn't it bad enough that you refuse to let me out of the house after 9 p.m. without a Dianetics Collar?

Forky, I really appreciate your complimentary post about my new show. Working with some real professionals has been such a treat for me. Lithgow is brilliant! And if you really would like to come backstage, avoid the back door guard at all costs (he works for Tom as a strong-arm S-tology evangelist) and head for the stage right access door. The lady on the stool is Susan; tell her you're a student of the eight dynamics. She'll let you through.

K. H.

Fork said...

Wow! Thanks, Katie! You may recognize me. I'm the one who's in standing room night after night wearing a raincoat and a funny little hat. Watching you in this show...has absolutely changed my life. I'd give anything...anything in the world...just to meet study you...

Fork said...

I don't think anyone got that 'All About Eve' reference... :^(

Anonymous said...

Oh, I got it, sir. And it was BRILLIANT! ACTING! THANK YOU! NO, THANK YOU!

J. L.