Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy September 11th!

I thought about going out and buying a great big cake and decorating it with candles and having a good old time today! A real celebration! Today is cause to celebrate, after all. It's September 11th! And you all know what happened on September 11th, don't you? Of course you do!

Funny thing, everybody is being all emo and sad today. To make matters worse, it's even a dreary, rainy day! Everyone feels crummy.

But not me. I looked at my calendar today and kicked up my heels. So everyone else can go about with frowns on their faces, but not me! I won't let them get me down! I'll enjoy this great day the way all New Yorkers should! With a beer in one hand and a bunch of confetti in the other.

Happy One Year in NYC Anniversary to me!


Anonymous said...

You're a terrible person.

Bibb Leo File said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk ... too soon.

Queen, III said...

I was thinking the exact same thing!!! It's Forky's one year New York anniversary!!! It's been tough, and you've complained a lot, but you made it. Congrats. You don't have a job and your apartment is the size of my kitchen, but you live in the BIG APPLE! Could anything be more fabulous???