Thursday, August 02, 2007

Something I've Learned

Something I've learned:

I will never dispose of a cup or container of liquid refreshment into an in-store garbage receptacle without having first depleted it of its contents.

That's because I know that somebody is going to have to empty the garbage can. And if it's full of curdled coffee, chances are the goop is going to leak out of the bag and onto the slacks of the poor guy who takes the trash out.

And in New York City...that guy is me.


Bibb Leo File said...

What? You have to empty the trash? You're a seasoned veteran at that firm! Don't they have fresh-faced dweebs who just walked in off the street to do that kind of stuff?

Seriously, though, you should thank your lucky stars there's no bathroom in Nofriendoland. I used to be "that guy" who had to scoop up explosive bowel movements off the moldy tile floor of the devil's restroom. Honestly, people, if you're sick, go twosies at home!

Fork said...

Oh. So THERE'S that silver lining!