Saturday, June 16, 2007


It hurts my heart a little bit that Everycity Shakespeare is in its opening weekend and that, for the first time in four years, I'm not a part of the festivities.

It hurts my heart a little bit MORE that I'm doing Kingly the 2. Now, there's nothing terribly WRONG with Kingly the 2 in and of itself. But let's face it, you know you're not in a good acting situation when one of the ACTORS in the show is also the ASSISTANT DIRECTOR and, surprise! the primary note-giver.

So I finish delivering some lovely Shakespearean poetry in the way that only I can and I get,

"Try to enjoy the words less. Speed it up and don't worry about hitting the consonants. It's a technique thing."

I beg your pardon?

Today I completely reinvented my character so's to give 'em what they want while NOT sacrificing Shakespeare's poetry. Call it...disguising my technique.

I gave as good as I got. And if they don't like what I gave 'em today...well...

"Tough tittie," said the kitty.

1 comment:

Bibb Leo File said...

The kitty said no such thing.

He knows better.