Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Birthday Party

Today the Nofriendoland store is being rented out for two hours to host a birthday party.

The celebrant? The young son of the famous Nelly--co-host of the popular "Gegis and Nelly" morning show.

Nelly's assistant has been coming into the store every day to make sure everything will be in order, that the 1500 balloons will be released at the right time, and that the keys to the city will be given to the tyke.

Can you imagine? Being so rich you could rent out a store at 10 Rock and have your assistant plan the whole thing?

No doubt film crews will the there as will a number of stars of the morning talk show world. Maybe even Rosie!

And where will I be?

I'll be interviewing for an office job.

Yep, I'm not on the schedule today. That's okay, really. I'm a teensy bit jealous at not being able to babysit a lot of screaming rich children while their bored mothers booze it up in the Cokémon corner. But aside from that, I'm not too torn up about it, especially since there's an 80% chance of Apocalypse in the forecast today.

Not a good day to be out.


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

This has nothing to do with your current post, but when you finish learning to play your YOO-kuh-LAY-LEE, can we please sing a rousing duet of "Tonight You Belong to Me" or whatever it's called from "The Jerk?" I'll let you sing the high part, like Navin. And I might even consider faking a trumpet solo.

Fork said...

Yes! In fact, that was one of the first things my teacher played when he was showing me how to strum!

I've almost mastered my first song, "I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby". Every time I play it I think of leopards.

Bibb Leo File said...

What about "My Little Ukulele" by Neil Innes, the famed songwriter for Monty Python? Check out the lyrics here.

I expect a recital when you return to the South. And I will have to call you 'Ukulele Boy'.