Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Daily 'Date

UPdate, that is.

My computer has gotten over its 2 hiccups. Thank goodness. It was wreaking havoc on my computer gaming time.

"Tonight You Belong To Me"--the easy version, not the ridiculously crazy-good one little-known banjo/ukulele maestro Steve Martin plays--has been successfully learned. Now it's time for some friends of mine to make good on their promise to learn a) the trumpet section and b) the boys line. I'm looking at YOU, A-Dub.

But also, I've managed to learn "I Can't Give You Anything But Love (Baby)". You know, the song Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant sing to the leopard. I feel like if I can learn maybe five more songs, I can take my show on the road...or subway station.

I'm up early today. The Nofriendoland Store needs help: they're getting in about a zillion pallets of Gii systems and they called me yesterday because apparently they need a ukulele player with a BFA to help them unload it.

I'm so much more qualified than this...

And also...I still need to rant about Mad Moms. But I don't have time for that this morning. Gotta jrink my java and get to work.

But before I go....

This morning as I was throwing my lunch together, I glanced up at the Quick Oats container on the top of the fridge. From the angle I was looking at the box (and also how freakin' sleepy I am), it looked like it read:

"Mix hot water, salt, and cats in bowl."


Bibb Leo File said...


That's how I've always made Quick Cats...I mean Oats.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

oh, crap. I didn't think you were actually going to do it. Now I have to buy a trumpet...

By the way, I had to make a Web site (that is how journalists write it, not website) for a class, which is sort of an online portfolio of my writing, photography, design, and some audio/visual reporting I did for same class (think NPR stories). If you get monumentally bored, go here.

It's not very fancy, but I wrote all the code myself! XML and CSS. So I am feeling rather braggy and puffed-up. Don't worry, I'm sure it will go away on its own.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Wait, I just realized. I only promised to FAKE a trumpet solo. That's much easier. I'll start working on my fake fingering skills.