Thursday, November 02, 2006

If I Can't Take...My Coffee Break...

...Something within me doesn't DIE, but something DOES find it much more difficult to stay awake.

Yes, folks. Somebody buy me some teeth whiteners because I, humble blogger and freelance poet, Forky Fourchette, have finally succumbed to "the coffee thing."

For a while I was nervous about getting addicted to the stuff. You know--getting horrible headaches because I didn't get my caffeine fix for the day.

Fortunately, I know to ask for half decaf.

I know, that sort of defeats the purpose, but when you've been practicing caffeine abstinence as long as I have, it doesn't take much to give you that jittery feeling in your stomach, the clarity of thought, and the wide, wide eyes that are all part of what we know to be the caffeine high.

Thing about asking for half decaf is that most of the street vendors here don't have a very good grasp of consonants (when was the last time you heard an illegal immigrant use their consonants? I rest my case) and they think you're asking not for half-decaf, but for half and half (or trans-fat cream, as I like to call it). They say, "Gracias senior" and, with all the flourish of a matador, they pour a pint of liquid lard into your cup.

While I'm new to the whole coffee thing, my tastes are developed enough to taste the difference between vendor "coffee" and the corporate stuff. And I'm here to tell you that, as much as it pains me to say it, the corporate stuff tastes worlds better. I don't know what kind of steroid bacon grease they put in the pot to make their coffee taste so much better, but dang. It goes down so much smoother than the metal-tinged dregs from the rusty tin pot at the vendor's on the street corner.

In other news, my futon bunkbed must be magic lately because I sleep like a ROCK these days and have some really twisted dreams. Last night I dreamed my late Grandfather walked into the room with my Grandmother clinging to him with these wild eyes. I asked, "What's going on here? Granddad died months ago." I think it was my mother who explained that doctors sometimes make mistakes and all he needed was for someone to give him a good shake and he woke right up. Everyone had a good laugh, but I kept feeling uneasy about the way my Grandmother was hanging onto him. Nevermind the fact that he wasn't supposed to be alive.

Isn't that weird?

Maybe I need to play more video games.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that is kind of weird. Maybe a mix of bad coffee, video games, and Halloween.

A few months after my grandfather died, I had a dream that he flew to me--sort of swooped down, smiling--and in one slow motion, put a giant pearl in my hand, and then flew away off over my head. It was pretty cool.

Does the street vendor coffee come in those adorable cups with the fake Greek-style lettering? Those are great.

You know, not EVERYTHING contains trans-fat. I don't think there is trans-fat in real half-and-half.

Anonymous said...

after my grandpa died, i had a dream that he took me around heaven and showed me all the happenin' places like the giant stadium where he said the "went to learn." A year or so later, i read one of those true stories of out-of-body experiences books and this lady described the same thing - coincedence?

sad to say that Matt has taken to coffee, too. Good bye pearly whites

Tracy said...

maybe it's all that caffeine!

Anonymous said...

You worthless junkie. You make me sick.

Although... somehow the image of you, wide-eyed and all hopped up on Charblux, playing video games at work after hours until the sun comes up is very amusing.

Fork said...

Funny you should say that. That image might actually become reality once I get my grubby mitts on a Numbtindough Gii.

Can't...sleep...! Must...stay...awake! video games!

Bibb Leo File said...

I also had a "Dead Person Appears to Be Alive" dream about my Dad. In the dream, I saw him in a restaurant eating lunch months after he had passed away, and when I tried to approach him, he looked startled and ran out the door. Later on, I was able to corner him and ask him what the hell was going on, and he just shrugged and said, "I guess I was just getting pretty tired of all you people."


Paging Dr. Freud...

Fork said...

Wow. That's...

Maybe we should all drink more coffee.