Saturday, August 11, 2012

Trop Beaucoup de Vin

I guess the fact that the room is still spinning a little bit--just a little after noon--means that we had a really good time at the town festival last night.

Seriously...the Frogs throw back a TON of wine.  I don't know how they do it, but the would-be alcoholic in me probably needs to be a bit more vigilant the next time I go to a party and wine is flowing like a river.  I mean, a stranger saw that my glass was empty and just filled it right on up from his own bottle.

All good sense just goes right out the window.  And yet, all I can think about is the Wedding at Cana.  I feel like we ought not kid ourselves.  The implication in the text is that people were getting HAPPY thanks to the wine.

I dunno what that means for me today.  I guess just that the Lord had been to parties like the one last night, so in a funny way, I don't feel quite so guilt-ridden for telling myself, "Have another glass!  Party time!!"

But still.

We're about to begin the last week of the summer class.  Friday is Departure Day.  I CANNOT believe it's been 6 weeks already. I look at my beard, which has been growing this whole time, I kind of can.  It's feeling substantial again.  Just the way I like it.  On the road to Christmas Carol 2012.

But back to the town festival.  It was sort of a local thing, where people from the area come to sell their wares, everyone eats a ton, drinks more than is good for them, and watches a surprisingly impressive fireworks show.  And yes, everyone Oohs and Aahs in the same language.

Sampled some rather odd things...  Ostrich sausage, pigeon fillets, and my very first escargot.  At first I was resolved to never EVER eat a googly-eyed slug-in-a-shell, but then someone said they were basically oysters.  Flashback to Cousin Billy's oyster roast and I thought, "Okay.  Maybe I can do this."

Gotta start getting ready for an afternoon modeling session.  One of the instructors is bound and determined to finish this portrait this afternoon.  More later!

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