Sunday, November 08, 2009

Bearded Fanny

Quick questch:

Can anyone explain to me why they don't sing Fanny Crosby hymns in the Presbyterian Church?

Modeling update:

Super-busy week coming up. At some kind of art school for several hours every day. Then December/January are already booked completely solid--four hours in the sculpting studio at FancyTimes School for High Brow Artists, then three hours as...are you ready for this? Jesus Christ. AND a ministering angel in Gethsemane.

I think the artist is going to use a different head for Christ and use my head for the angel. He says he has a bunch of friends who have great beards.

But I don't want to be a sissy angel. I want to be the (Son of) man himself.

So I'm trying to grow a beard. Aaaand it looks pretty awful. My goatee has always been pretty good. A source of pride, even. But the hair on my cheeks has always been really patchy. Hence "pretty awful".

But I'm not giving up. It's time to give it my best shot. Because at some point in January I'm also posing as Orion the hunter. So in addition to being 10-20lbs heavier (yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen without the help of anabolic steroids. I've worked all year just to gain five paltry pounds), I need to have that ultimate symbol of manliness, a Chuck Norris Beard.

Tomorrow I see Bernadette Peters at a benefit. I won't tell her I'm going to be in the audience. I don't want to make her nervous.

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