Friday, October 09, 2009

Peace Prize

So apparently you don't have to do anything except not be George Bush.

At the Universe Diner. Exhausted from yesterday. 6 hour modeling job for a talented group at the Nyah Nyah Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. It's always a pleasure to work with students who show great promise and instructors who work with you to create a good pose.

See? I can be positive. I like my job. I just don't like hippies.

So six hours of standing on one foot with a twist and a bend. Had to keep my eyes wiiiide open the whole time due to balance issues.

Then came the Toy Story double feature. Three hours of 3D.

By the time I got home, I could not WAIT to close my eyes.

Gym today, sculpture afterwards.

So that's teh update. My omelet is here.

-- Post From My iPhork

1 comment:

JBos said...

And you were so close to being close...

Food looks good!