Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I'm still in Illy.

Wow. There's NOTHING here. Nothing except Chicago. Visiting a college about 90 minutes from that Toddlin' Town.

The kids here are all right. A little blue collar. Most of the kids in the theatre come from disastrous home lives--I don't think a single one of them has a complete set of non-divorced, non-abusive, truly supportive parents. So all the boys think they're gay, all the girls are terrified of each other, and Moggie has her work cut out for her.

It IS good to see Moggie again. She's "back", that's for sure. The hair has inflated, the scarves are billowing, the cocktails are flowing. Even though the students here are nowhere NEAR as sophisticated as the kids from Alma Mater U in Wackytown, she's taking great delight in analyzing each one of them and becoming slightly tragic every once in a while when she's "just not sure she'll be able to get through to them."

Gotta run. More later.


Bibb Leo File said...

Hey! Tell her hello from me!

And tell her my wrists still hurt from my Tennessee Williams movement study in her class.

She'll know what that means.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Wow, that sounds like SO MUCH FUN!