Friday, March 20, 2009

Working, Building, Never Stopping, Never Sleeping..

Freak snowstorm in New York this morning. On the first day of spring, too.

I'm at work today.

You know. For my *career*.

My *acting career*. I'm not ALWAYS nekkid, you know.

It's a print ad for Buhrizum. The phone company. You know. "Can you hear me now?"

They're doing a new campaign to push their global network offerings.

And to prove to consumers their phones work in England, they've hired me and 14 other guys to dress in authentic Buckingham Palace guard attire.

Like, at some point in time, each of these uniforms actually stood in front of the bloomin' castle. There's even an expert on guarding the Queen Mum or Crown Jewels or whatever it is we're guarding. He's teaching us how to stand authentically. Example: "It's not chest-out, it's stomach-in."

Meanwhile my other friends sit in office buildings refreshing the Drudge Report.

Some people have all the fun.

I don't make this stuff up

1 comment:

Bibb Leo File said...

Tourists will kick you in the groin as they shout "Can you hear me now!", but you must never even twitch.

Also, you have to march like Andersen's Tin Soldier, clockwork style.