Sunday, March 01, 2009

Too Good...?

I've completely failed to mention 'Henry Vee'.

Yeah, I've been in rehearsals for this one for about a month or so. We open at the end of the month.

I guess the reason nothing's been said about it is because it's going so well. Everybody in the cast is really nice, talented,'s cake! Almost too good to be true.

So yeah. No drama or anything. And that's a good thing. Can't remember the last time I did a show that was really FUN to do.

I'll keep my eyes open for some juicy nastiness to report but so far it's just good, old-fashioned, boring theatre-time fun. When you're dealing with a cast of 20 everything becomes a wash.

Meanwhile, I looked in the mirror today and stopped. I think I've gotten bigger. Like, holy-crap-I-think-I'm-getting-*bigger* bigger.

And I'm not the only one.

Yesterday I was doing a favor for everyone's favorite hippie, Four-Stringed Guitar Bill (remember him?). He wrote this protest song about Wall Street bakers ruining the economy.

His old buddy, Levi Epsteinberg--who produced the very first video for a certain cone-boobed, gap-toothed blonde--decided he wanted to try his hand at producing digital entertainment with the intent of creating the next big internet sensation. And so when Four-Stringed Guitar Bill cooked up this tuneless tune, Levi decided to make "Vampire Banker Conspiracy" his pet project.

In addition to recording the song at the studio, they also wanted to get footage of us playing ukuleles around the mic.

But we all needed to be wearing Hawaiian shirts. Because all ukesters wear Hawaiian shirts. (*rolls eyes*)

Well, like any normal person, I don't own a Hawaiian shirt. So Levi offered to bring one for me to wear. When asked what size shirt I normally wear, I said that it depends. Small or medium.

I walked into the recording studio and Levi immediately said, "I'm lookin at dis guy and thinkin, 'Is dis the guy who said he wears a small?'. It's a good thing I brought a medium. You ain't no small."

I thought little of it until I saw myself in the mirror in the church restroom this morning.

Man. All that log-lifting must be doing something.

Next week we film the video part of the music video. We're all going to be dressed up in maroon robes like weird cultists. We're going to chase vampire bankers through Wall Street.

Man. I want a desk job.

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