Friday, March 27, 2009


Holy crap.

I don't know what just happened.

You see, I HAAAAAAAATE that "Mamma Mia".

I think it's the ultimate irony that sweet little Christian ladies from the south love that musical.

Because the musical is about being a SKANK. Somehow, dumb Christians have been bamboozled into plunking down the money God gave them on the notion that licentiousness and cheating and promiscuity is cause for celebration.

But something happened today.


I don't want to admit this.

I listened to ABBA today.

I DIDN'T MEAN TO! The tunes are just so damn CATCHY! I'm SORRY! I didn't mean for it to happen! I was weak! It won't happen again, I SWEAR!


Anonymous said...

I judge you.

Bibb Leo File said...

Well, when all is said and done, I'll take a chance on you, Chiquitita.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Wait, why shouldn't you listen to ABBA just because Mamma Mia is dumb?! Besides, the old Christian ladies KNOW it's about skankiness. They just don't care. Let them have their fun by living vicariously through a hippie slut. :)