Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Waiting for them to interview us...!

They were really nice, but they're supposed to always appear like they're having the time of their lives. Matt was kind of the jerk of the group while Ann. was probably the most genuinely interested.

The whole thing was rather ridiculous. They set us up in this huuuge cast hall (plaster casts of Greek/Roman figures everywhere) with Greek columns and white walls. The model stand was draped with bright red fabric. Bowls of fruit, vases of fresh flowers...

Yeah. Because that's what it's totally like in real life.

The instructor was a total buffoon--like, she wore cowboy boots and a skirt. To play up the whole "people not wearing clothes" thing, she set us in an Adam and Eve pose. But since she was a loon, she decided to make Adam offering Eve the fruit. Of course, it *looks* like Eve's dropping the fruit in my hand, and I'm all "wtf? Where'd you get that?" but whatever.

"Eve" had never heard of the Today Show" or any of their rather well-known hosts so she totally didn't shave her legs or pits. To make her feel stupid, I told her "The Today Show" is probably the most popular morning show in AMERICA. I still don't think that got through.

But yeah. I think the hosts painted us for maybe ten minutes before they lost interest (Ann excluded--she wanted to keep painting), and of course Eve was moving the entire time--and at the end everyone wanted to know how she could hold such an incredible pose!

Dude. She didn't hold the pose.

But whatever.

Matt came up to us at the break and said, "So do you ever walk around and look at people's paintings and think, 'What the fu**?'"

Eve was polite and dumb and said, "Nooo."

I was honest and said, "Of course I do!"

He also seemed generally annoyed during the set-up process.

Al may as well not have even been there. He didn't really do anything and I think he was the first to want to leave.

The ladies however were really nice. When the cameras were off they were still asking lots of questions and seemed really interested in what could drive a person to do such a weird job.

And in the midst of it all, me and Eve were totally cast aside until the people needed us. The loony instructor totally ignored us until it was time for us to pose, then she acted like we were her own children.

I did manage to throw in a zinger. As soon as we disrobed, the instructor told the four hosts in a wink-wink tone "not to focus on any *particular* *small part* of the figure."

"Or large part, as the case may be."

Yeah. I said that.

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Unknown said...

The real question much did they pay?

Fork said...

Are you kidding? This is New York City! They don't PAY! You just do these sorts of things for the experience!

Unknown said...

That's crazy. you get paid to be a model for the school, so they should pay you again because you're part of the "face" of the school on national television!

At least they would in a decent world.

Bibb Leo File said...

Gross. Did they go with the blue dot or the fuzzy pixelated distortion? Or will this episode be broadcast on HBO?

Was Katie Couric there? Did she use her media Jedi mind tricks to control your every facial expression, verbal response, and your knowledge of the issues?

I hear she's a Level 10 Journalist Arch-Priestess.

Fork said...

Only when she has equipped the Gotcha Questionnaire of Unrivaled Ambition.

Bibb Leo File said...

But she can't use that while in Interview Invulnerability Mode!

The Gotcha Questionnaire can only be used in conjunction with the Pre-Taped for Television Talisman of Terror.

Even Diane Sawyer knows that.