Monday, February 07, 2011

Radiator Update

I just got off the phone with the landlord.


This time, I said, "No, YOU listen to ME. I am NOT your ENEMY."

He seemed to listen to me this time.

They SWEAR the radiator CAN'T run 24/7.

I'm here today to tell you that, somehow, it can. And it did.

But seeing as how it just shut off (holy COW! It SHUT OFF!), I was finally able to stand before that little metal doggie-door to HELL and screw the knob as far to the righty-tighty as I possibly could. I doubt that will stop the evil thing. But I'm not going down without a fight.

I'll take the freezing temperatures.

In other news. While talking on my cell phone to the landlord, I got crapped on by a bird. But not just once. Twice. What are the odds?

I feel like a winner.

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