Monday, September 27, 2010


A dog has been howling in a nearby apartment for days and days.

It seems whenever the owner of this stupid animal leaves, it begins howling. And the howling does not stop until the owner returns around 11pm.

If you live in Hell's Kitchen, right here in the heart of Manhattan, and know where this howling is coming from, please let me know so I can do what that person's neighbors SHOULD have done two weeks ago and called freakin' 311!!!!!!

But that's really the trouble with New York City, isn't it? Some unseen person can be smoking near their window in a downstairs apartment and sending the smoke into all the open windows above him. Someone can have a dog which howls every minute on the minute for 8 hours a day that the rest of the block has to suffer through. Some filthy person in some apartment has bedbugs and the entire building becomes infested.

What the crap are those of us suffering from these people's lack of consideration supposed to do about it? There's nothing you CAN do, it seems to me. Other than stare at the wall and wonder why you pay a zillion dollars a month for a little square room with paper-thin walls and neighbors whose noises, smells, and lives just WON'T STAY OUT when you could pay the same amount elsewhere and have a HOUSE.

I'm just saying.

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