Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fleet Week

It's Fleet Week in NYC.

That's a big boat.

I'm on the pier admiring the ships and enjoying the cool twilight. It would all br be perfect if it weren't for the throbbing bass coming from the obnoxious Party Boat. Yes. That one.

By the shrill screams cutting through the chest-shaking booms, it sounds like a bachelorette party. You know. "I got SO drunk last night" and girls with anorexic twig legs staggering loudly and drunkenly through the streets dressed in sleeveless numbers and stilt-like heels.

I don't see why girls even try walking in them.

Oh wow. The Party Boat is pulling away. Heavens be praised. And every screaming harpy aboard is jumping and singing on the poop deck as they swill cosmos and live the gay life as portrayed on that TV show they love so well.

Sorry I've been out of the loop gang. I managed the survive that dreadful screenplay reading. At least the view of Bryant Park from the 14th floor was--

Oh my Lord. There's another Party Boat going by. It's playing mariachi music. And it's leaving the unmistakable smell of chalupas in its wake.

What is this? Fiesta?

I've finally got a new roommate. In many ways, he's a big improvement over the last one.

And yet...

I feel like I've entered a whole new realm of crazy...

More later. Oh, believe me. There will be more later.
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1 comment:

Bibb Leo File said...


Any roommate hijinx yet? Mutilated corpses in the closet? Meetings with the coven at the witchin' hour? Nonstop recitations of passages from the Necronomicon?

Does he even like Nintendo?